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Picture: Èlia Puig

Do you want to become a professional in architectural visualization? Learn the most advanced hyperrealistic rendering techniques with our v ray course, the most widely used rendering engine in the architectural industry. At FX ANIMATION Barcelona ArchViz School, we train you to become the expert that the industry needs. We are Official School Chaos Group, Autodesk and iToo Software, and the first school in Catalonia Academic Partner of Unreal Engine. We are always up-to-date with the latest developments, and all this is reflected in our training plan to offer you the best quality training possible in the sector. Live online classes and a high performance methodology. With us, you will maximize your potential and learn to master the most demanded tools in architectural visualization.

How do you do a hyperrealist render with our v ray course?

When we talk about hyperrealistic rendering, we are referring to the graphic representation of architectural projects as close as possible to reality, simulating reliably each of the details that compose any environment: materials, lights, textures, etc.

When we use V-Ray, we use it as a complement to other creation programs, such as 3ds Max or Unreal Engine. And with all this, we are able to achieve photorealistic 3D and virtual reality scenarios that are revolutionizing the world of architecture and interior design.

What to study to master these hyperrealistic rendering techniques?

At FX ArchViz we offer a wide range of training courses focused on architectural visualization for the creation of hyperrealistic renderings and virtual reality. We have masters and courses of different specialties with which you can become a professional in infoarchitecture.

Our v ray courses

Master in Architectural Visualization. Hyperrealistic rendering with V-Ray, 3ds Max, Unreal Engine, Substance Painter, Forest Pack and RailClone. Aimed at all professionals in the field of architecture or interior design who want to specialize in architectural visualization and virtual reality.

Professional Master in Architectural Visualization. With V-Ray, 3ds Max, Forest Pack and RailClone. Aimed at architects, engineers, interior designers, or professionals interested in architectural visualization who want to delve into the subject.

Official V-Ray for Architectural Visualization Course. Learn how to use V-Ray for 3ds Max. Aimed at architects, interior designers, engineers, and any professional with mastery of 3ds Max who wants to become even more professional with the creation of photorealistic renderings.

By taking our V-Ray training courses, you will have access to take the exam to obtain the official V-Ray certification by Chaos Group. In addition, you will carry out a final tutored project at the end of each course, with which you will complete your professional portfolio and gain experience in the field, with the personalized assistance of our teachers. If you want more information about our courses and masters for hyperrealistic rendering with our v ray course, do not hesitate to contact us.