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Are you eager to expand your knowledge and become a prodigy in your sector? Whatever your goal, we recommend that you choose to specialize in architectural FX ANIMATION. For 15 years, we have been a pioneering school in the field of architectural visualization training, and official school of Autodesk and Chaos Group and ItooSoftware, Academic partner of Unreal Engine, the only one in Catalonia, and much more!

The role of infoarchitecture is essential in sectors such as interior design and architecture. This area seeks, through visual technology, to develop graphic documentation, reproduced in 3D. A quality result, which is shown to the client and which allows all the phases of the project to be followed through to the final result.

This project is carried out through rendering, represented by several fictitious but hyper-realistic images, with the aim of constructing the scene we want of a work or the remodeling of a space. It is undoubtedly the best way to give shape to an architectural or interior design project.

But to become a real infoarchitecture expert, you need to have extensive knowledge of the software, engines, programmes and star tools that allow you to create these images in render.

For this reason, we offer all our students and professionals in this industry, master’s degrees and specialization courses to broaden their knowledge in architectural visualization, which will allow them to perfectly master the most cutting-edge software in the sector, and which will enable them to create quality space visualization projects. Programs such as V-ray, Unreal, Forest Pack, Rail Clone, 3DS Max, or Corona Renderer, among others.

What architectural FX ANIMATION studies should you choose?

  • Master’s Degree in Architectural Visualisation. This October starts a new call for the higher master’s degree of our Infoarchitecture area. A live online program, which lasts 9 months and can be taught in both English and Spanish. Thanks to this master’s degree, you will be able to master the use, techniques and construction methods of current photorealistic renderings and virtual reality, to position yourself in the labor market, as a competent professional and updated to the new demands of the industry.
  • Professional Master’s Degree in Architectural Visualization. For professionals in the world of architecture and interior design, this master’s degree is ideal to master the whole process of photorealistic images, through the most innovative rendering programmes and current 3D architectural preview techniques.
  • Specialization Master in Virtual Reality. Using the great tool Unreal Engine, students will work on lighting tools to create photorealistic environments. This master’s degree will add value to your professional portfolio, which will open wide the doors to employment. If you have previous knowledge of 3D, have a portfolio of work and want to specialize in virtual reality in architectural visualization, this is the master’s degree for you!
  • Official V-ray course. If you want to be an expert in V-ray software, this course will allow you to use the engine, at a professional level, with complete mastery and generate high quality hyper-realistic renders for infoarchitecture.
  • Official Landscaping Course with Forest Pack and RailClone. Being an expert in landscaping and scattering is not easy, but with our official course you will be able to leave our school being a professional, above all, you will become an expert in generating works of environments and landscapes, and in creating parametric modeling systems that are versatile and flexible.
  • Corona Renderer Seminar. If your goal is to learn more about Corona Renderer, this is the training for you! This programme is compatible with a wide range of add-ons.

If you want to know more about our school, contact us and book your place to study architectural FX ANIMATION!