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Picture: Albert Font

Did you know that virtual reality is also applied in architecture? It is a specialty increasingly demanded by companies dedicated to this sector, and thanks to it, we are able to visualize 3D designs in a hyper-realistic way, and significantly improve the results when applied at the time of getting down to work. If all this interests you, at FX ANIMATION Barcelona ArchViz School is the best place for you to study architecture virtual reality. But first, we tell you a little more about the applications of this technology in the sector.

What is virtual reality and how can we apply it in architecture?

There was a time when virtual reality was a thing of the future. Now, it is part of our present and, in fact, it is present in a large number of sectors. Among all of them, architecture is one of those that are booming, and the main reason is the number of improvements it offers us when it comes to doing our work. Some of them:

  • It considerably reduces work times thanks to its real-time rendering.
  • It allows clients to walk through their future home even before starting the project.
  • This also means greater satisfaction and improvement of our professional relationship.
  • It allows us to correct errors prior to execution.
  • It gives free rein to our imagination making possible different combinations in terms of materials or decoration.

Do you want to study architecture virtual reality with us?

In FX we have already established ourselves as one of the largest schools of infoarchitecture nationwide. In fact, we are the 2nd best school in the world in the Rookie architectural visualization category. And, most importantly, we are an Academic partner of Unreal!

If you already have your degree as an interior designer or architect and you are interested in going a step further in virtual reality, on our website you will find both courses and masters with which you will learn to handle the best software in the industry and develop all your skills to the maximum.

  • Master’s Degree in Architectural Visualization.
  • Specialization Master in Virtual Reality for Architectural Visualization.

Official School and Academic Partner of Unreal Engine

In FX ANIMATION we are the official school and Academic Partner of Unreal Engine, a tool increasingly implemented in the field of architecture and interior design, which allows you to create interactive virtual reality scenarios in a hyper-realistic way. In addition, its high quality rendering in real time is a great advantage when carrying out this type of task. Do not hesitate to ask for more information about any study architecture virtual reality we offer and ask us any questions you may have. We will be happy to advise you.