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Without realizing it, in our society, we are surrounded daily by 3D infographics, since we can find them on the street, in a real estate development, in a remodeling company, in television programs, in interior design catalogs, etc. But, in the life of architects it is even more recurrent to live embraced to the world of archviz. Are you an architect and need to expand your knowledge of infoarchitecture? Find out more about our rendering courses!

A render is a perfect tool for the architecture and interior design sector, since it is the most effective way to explain any project in a much more visual way, complemented with the previously designed plans. For this reason, as a professional in this industry, it is important to have sufficient knowledge of the most common programs and engines in the rendering industry. 

The advantages of using renders in architecture are:

  • Create a brand (architectural firm or office) with personality and that provides that added value that differentiates it from the competition. 
  • Add value with quality 3D images for any project.
  • To transmit the project in a visual way, making the client understand better the shape, structure, texture, lighting, or materials that will make up the future project.
  • In addition, by composing the rendering of hyperrealistic images, it is possible to locate, during the construction and design of the project, all aesthetic and structural errors.
  • These possible errors and design problems can be visualized, thanks to the fact that the 3D modeling is very close to reality. Therefore, it is easy to highlight at glance errors such as poorly resolved details, miscalculated heights, non-optimal layout, etc. 

The main purposes of a render are: to sell, to communicate and to facilitate the process. 

Why should you choose rendering courses at FX Archviz?

In our school, we have all the necessary details to make our courses, high performance training. We refer to details such as:

  • Adequate and adapted facilities for students and their learning. 
  • A quality teaching team, who in addition to being teachers, are also in the industry as professionals.
  • A transversal methodology, which has always made us stand out from the competition.
  • A training based on the latest techniques and software of the sector, which allows you to position yourself in the working world with a competitive profile. 
  • The creation of a complete and quality portfolio, as a letter of introduction for future companies. 
  • Access to the job pool for life and with an indefinite technical assistance that will accompany you in your professional life. 

Would you like to know our catalog of rendering courses? Contact us, and we will inform you of all our masters and courses!