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Picture: Èlia Puig

When it comes to carrying out high-quality architectural visualizations, the most widespread rendering software worldwide is architectural visualization unreal engine. This engine created by Epic Games, a video game developer, has been key in the evolution of the architecture and interior design sector. It allows rendering scenarios with an incredible hyperrealism,becoming an excellent work tool, as well as a great ally in marketing, when presenting any idea or project.

What is architectural visualization unreal?

In 1998, Epic Games presented to the public the first version of Unreal Engine for video game design and development. Little by little it was extended to various sectors, evolving to its fifth version and becoming the graphics engine with the greatest potential that has ever existed.

Currently, anyone who needs to work with real-time technology to carry out their creations, finds in Unreal Engine an essential solution in their work processes.

Features of Unreal Engine 5

Among all the features that this engine offers, the following stand out:

  • It allows us to build all kinds of scenarios in real time with numerous details.
  • With it, we are able to create immersive experiences for users, thanks to 3D animation and its more advanced effects.
  • We can import data from other BIM or CAD software without sacrificing quality.
  • Creation of large photorealistic exterior environments.
  • We can program through its graphical interface, the Blueprint Visual Scripting allows us to create all kinds of interactive elements without having to write code.
  • The illumination of the spaces manages to create very dynamic, hyperrealistic scenes.

Train in Unreal Engine with FX ANIMATION

At FX ANIMATION Barcelona ArchViz School we have a proposal for you: how would you like to become an expert in architectural visualization, learning to master to perfection a graphics engine like this?

We are the first school in Catalonia Academic Partner of Unreal Engine, so what better place to train you than here? We maintain direct contact with Epic Games, always keeping us up to date with any new developments. In addition, our teachers have been thoroughly evaluated by the company, ensuring a high level of training in all our courses and masters.

Remember that in order to access this type of training, it is necessary to have knowledge of 3D modeling and texturing with 3D Max.

Don’t hesitate any longer! If you are passionate about infoarchitecture, and you are eager to become the professional that all companies want to have on staff, we encourage you to browse our website and discover our training offer. Find the ideal course for you and learn architectural visualization unreal engine with FX ANIMATION. Contact us by phone or through our web form for personalized advice.