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Picture: Èlia Puig

In our school we are experts in architectural visualization 3d max. This means that the basis of our masters is done through this software, which is making a strong presence in the world of 3D modeling. One of the courses we carry out is the specific V-Ray for 3D Max. Do you want to know more in detail what is this master and what role has V-Ray in the world of architectural visualization?

One of the most used engines in infoarchitecture is V-Ray, mainly used as an extension in tools like 3D Max or Unreal Engine. But what is behind this powerful software? Well, a consolidated company, a world leader in the 3D modeling and archviz sector, which has been creating for years all kinds of techniques to generate hyperrealistic infographics in the world of architecture and interior design, as well as animation.

Architectural visualization 3d max and V-Ray, what are the benefits of this mix?

This engine works perfectly with 3D Max, as it is a plugin that adapts to a wide range of programs. It brings terms such as versatility and quality, being able to build any type of project. But this is not all, V-Ray, along with 3D Max, brings a host of benefits, which we will show you below:

  • Quickness: V-Ray is extremely fast, compared to other plugins or software. So it is ideal for those professionals who work on different projects at the same time, and also for those who want to elaborate quick animations.
  • Wide range of materials and resources: Thanks to this, it allows professionals to design any furniture and object with all kinds of different materials, and with hyperrealistic precision. So it allows simulating different combinations and high-level finishes.
  • Large catalog of options: This wide range of options and other aspects make V-Ray not the easiest engine to use. However, it has positioned itself as an ideal tool for the most meticulous and who want to delve into materials, texture or lighting, controlling, without a doubt, any aspect of the design and customizing it.
  • More realistic representation: Architects and designers require accuracy and to express to the client that they are in control of the project. And, without any doubt, these two aspects can be obtained thanks to the precision of V-Ray.
  • Elaboration of light and shadows: Perhaps these are two of the most important aspects of infoarchitecture. And this need invites relying on tools that allow to perfectly handle the issue of lights and shadows in a realistic and accurate way, and with V-Ray there will be no problem in achieving this goal!

If you want to become an expert in this software, learn more about our V-Ray and our architectural visualization 3d max education.