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Foto: Ignacio Ferrer

Being able to visually reflect our architectural and design projects is a luxury. An activity that we have been able to carry out thanks to the advance of technology. This development is currently known as architectural visualization. If you are a professional in these two sectors and want to train with rendering design, we advise you to bet on our 3d architectural visualization courses.

Being able to realize the projects we have in mind in a tangible way and showing them to our clients are two goals made possible by rendering software. An advanced way of working that has allowed better communication and understanding between client and professional, to work in a simpler and more realistic way, and to create much more ambitious results and architectural projects.

The precision is another aspect that has been achieved thanks to the new rendering software. 3D tools such as 3DS Max, Unreal or RailClone, among others, make it possible to reproduce perfect images and videos with all kinds of details (measures, angles, dimensions…).

Their wide possibilities and their great marketing role for clients and potential users are aspects that have made all architects and designers offices need professionals with extensive knowledge about the most famous programs in the rendering world.

Do you want to be one of them? Learn in our infoarchitecture school and say goodbye to the conventional designs in plans!

Our 3d architectural visualization courses

In the Infoarchitecture area, we give you the possibility to study our Superior Master’s Degree. What can you learn in each one of them? Pay attention!

The Professional Master offers a complete training so that you can master the entire process of creating photorealistic images. You will learn how to create renderings in renowned programs such as 3DS Max, V-ray, Forest Pack and RailClone, as well as current and innovative 3D architectural previsualization techniques (e.g. modeling, texturing, mapping, lighting, etc.).

As for the higher Master’s degree, it is also taught online. It allows students to complete their training, mastering the operation of programs such as 3DS Max, techniques and methods of construction of photorealistic renderings and virtual reality.

You will leave our school, being able to face, perfectly, any visualization project that is put in front of you, no matter how complex it is, providing the quality and professionalism that this world requires.

In addition, you will learn how to import FBX objects from 3DS Max to Unreal, how to work with Unreal Engine lighting tools, the use of Blueprints, and post-processing effects.

All students of our school will finish their training with a personal project, which can be an excellent cover letter for your job opportunities. Contact us for more information about our 3d architectural visualization courses.